Do sugar and dairy affect acne?
Heavily processed industrial foods, especially milk and sugar, have an effect on acne.
Are dairy products inflammatory?
In short, the answer is yes. The vast majority of cow's milk is produced industrially all over the world. This means that cows must nurse for an average of 10 months a year. They are artificially inseminated and give birth to a calf each year, because by definition only lactating cows produce milk. They are fed sometimes questionable diets and antibiotics, and are kept in cramped conditions. The health of animals, just like that of humans, depends on the quality of nutrients and their lifestyle . Do you think that industrial cows and their milk production are "healthy"?
Grass-fed cows produce better quality milk and are therefore a better option. Cows pass on some of their hormones through their milk. Since acne is linked to many types of hormones (not just androgens), milk is often a problem for those who suffer from acne.
However, not all dairy products seem to have the same effect on acne. Yogurt, for example, might be an exception. Good quality yogurt can improve the gut microflora and, indirectly, the skin. Choose plain yogurts that clearly indicate that they contain probiotics (avoid added flavors).
But the only way to really know if dairy is affecting your skin is to completely eliminate it from your diet for a few weeks. If your skin improves, you've potentially found one of the culprits.
Is sugar inflammatory?
The short answer is yes. And there are different types of “sugar.” The vast majority of the sugar we consume today is highly refined, which includes simple carbohydrates like white bread or white pasta. Refined white sugar and high fructose corn syrup used in processed foods are highly inflammatory.
Simple carbohydrates are also sugars because they quickly convert to glucose after consumption. Pasta and bread can cause the glycemic index (GI) to rise. But the GI can be lowered by combining refined staples like pasta and bread with vegetables, protein, and healthy fats.
Instead of a breakfast of toast and jam, try avocado and eggs.
Why is sugar a problem for acne? Because high GI foods can increase hormones that trigger oil production. Additionally, high GI foods cause more insulin to be produced, and sustained high insulin levels can lead to inflammation.
What foods should you choose if you have acne?
Anti-inflammatories and antioxidants in plant-based foods may help fight acne
Anti-inflammatory foods like plant-based products are best. Foods rich in antioxidants are also important. Try to get your nutrients from whole foods. An ascorbic acid (a synthetic form of vitamin C) is not the same as a fruit rich in vitamin C. An orange contains vitamin C, but also many other nutrients and fibers that aid in digestion and absorption.
To balance hormones, it's important to eat healthy fats, some protein, and a variety of fiber. Hormone-friendly foods include avocados, cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, broccoli sprouts, etc.), wild salmon, and extra virgin olive oil.
Why is diet so important for fighting acne?
Without food, we die. Without food, the cells in our body stop working because the energy needed to renew, reproduce, and repair themselves dries up. Our cells get their energy from the nutrients in our diet. Foods that have little or no nutritional value are inflammatory, which can lead to health problems, including acne .
Anti-inflammatory foods and antioxidants give our cells the ammunition they need to do their job. In other words, they provide our bodies with the nutrients they need for normal cell function. Nutrients are important, and the alternative, a lack of nutrients, can cause all sorts of health problems.
Diet alone can’t cure acne. How and why we get acne also depends on our genes, overall health, gut health, lifestyle, environmental factors, and more. That’s why cutting out dairy can improve acne in some people, but not in others. But diet is the foundation from which every cell in our body is built. A poor diet can lead to inflammation, and inflammation can lead to acne and other health problems.