Acne vulgaris (or classic acne) manifests itself by blackheads, whiteheads and pimples.


Blackheads are comedones and the mildest form of acne that look like tiny black spots on the skin, usually around the nose. Blackheads are a mixture of sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells that have been exposed to the air.

White dots

Whiteheads are, like blackheads, comedones, but they are trapped inside the pore, preventing toxins from escaping. They look like raised white pimples on the skin.


Pimples are red lesions that can be tender and painful to the touch. There are different names given depending on the size, depth and severity of the pimple: papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. Pimples are usually filled with pus and squeezing or touching them can cause scarring.

However, even unpopped pimples can form scars (creating new skin that is different from the original skin). Scientists are still trying to understand the skin healing process, especially why new skin looks different from old skin.

But if you suspect something more complex than acne vulgaris, such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), itchy fungal acne, rosacea, etc., we recommend that you consult a practitioner.

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