Join our 3-Day Challenge to get started with gut detoxification!

To download the program with recipes and shopping list, click here!

The Importance of Gut Health

The gut is one of the most underrated organs in the human body, yet it is home to billions of bacteria that regulate our health. physical and mental . Maintaining the balance of this microbiota is essential for our well-being.

Good gut health has a significant impact on:

  • Strengthened immunity
  • Better regulation of hormones
  • Improved weight management
  • Increased energy levels
  • Better mental and emotional state
  • A reduction in inflammation, including in the skin
  • And even a reduced risk of certain cancers.

Understanding Intestinal Detoxification

Detoxification involves three key phases: biotransformation, transport, and elimination. Initially, toxins are metabolized into waste by the liver. Then, the gallbladder facilitates their transport, and finally, the intestines are responsible for eliminating them. Each step plays a crucial role in the elimination of toxins.

Often, liver detoxification is well known, but the roles of the gallbladder and intestines in this process are less understood. The Skin Diligent Challenge aims to raise awareness of these often overlooked steps, because when toxins are not properly flushed out, they can be reintroduced into the body and cause various health problems !

The impact of toxin buildup in the body and why is gut detoxification important?

Many health problems, including skin problems, are often attributed to a buildup of toxins in the body. However, the sources of toxins are increasing in our modern lives! Bloating, gas, constipation, headaches, brain fog, skin spots, all these symptoms can be a sign of poor toxin elimination.

Toxins that reach the gut as a result of the detoxification process can promote the type of gut microbiome that produces more toxins if not properly flushed out in time. Understanding gut detoxification is therefore key to health and skin health.

Take part in the 3-day Challenge to get started with intestinal detoxification!

What is the goal?

Introduce you to the different phases of detoxification to help the body eliminate excess toxins and function optimally, not only in January, but throughout the year.

What is the Challenge?

It involves providing, through a selection of dishes designed by Eliane Tordjmann, certified naturopath, the nutrients necessary for your liver, gallbladder and intestines to promote detoxification. Simply sign up via the form to receive a PDF including a shopping list and recipes for a period of 3 days.

Why 3 days?

This is the minimum to see results! This is a gentle detoxification program for good "health maintenance" and better skin health.

Who can participate?

Due to its gentle nature, almost anyone can benefit, but those on a prescribed special diet are recommended to consult their practitioner.

Join the challenge with friends or family!

The challenge is even more motivating when done in a group. Invite your friends and enjoy the benefits of this healthy program together!

For those who wish to perform a thorough detox, we recommend contacting an experienced practitioner before undertaking such a step. Side effects can be severe depending on the person's level of toxicity.

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